Stl Linux Unix Users Group

SLUUG - June 8, 2022

Design an engaging image that conveys the essence of time-efficient, organized backups. The background is a calming gradient transitioning from a light to dark shade of blue. In the center, there's a large, white open folder. Surrounding it are smaller folders or files, each labeled with timestamps like 'hourly', 'daily', 'weekly', etc. and color-coded. To the bottom right, there's a small, recognizable logo signifying data transfer, and to the bottom left, an emblem representing secure digital communication. Floating above all this are subtle icons of clocks and calendars, reinforcing the time aspect of the backups. This image will not include any text.


By: Tyler Rudie


By: Lee Lammert

STLLUG - April 21, 2022

Create an image with a dark gradient background transitioning from deep navy blue at the top to black at the bottom. The central focus is a large, transparent schematic of a motherboard with RAM modules. On the left side of the motherboard, include the Tux penguin logo which is the mascot for Linux. On the other side, place the logo of the Raku language, a programming language that succeeded Perl. Around the motherboard, incorporate small, clear icons and symbols representative of system calls and data structures, such as pointers, memory addresses, and fragments of binary code. Overlay a subtle, semi-transparent process tree diagram in the background. Accentuate the main elements with a faint, glowing outline, and use jagged lines or swirling paths to emphasis the image's overall complexity. The overall appearance should be clean, professional, and compelling, without unnecessary clutter.

Linux Memory 'Manglement'

By: Steven Lembark

SLUUG - April 13, 2022

Create an image highlighting the theme of network security and functionality. The scene is set against a dark, textured background representing a sense of cybersecurity. At the center, a stylized representation of a router is situated, with rays emanating from it symbolizing network connectivity. Icons related to pfSense, FreeBSD, DNS, DHCP, WiFi, VPN, and Firewall are logically arranged around the router. The image also contains undulating lines signifying network traffic management and subtle, Matrix-like code running in the background. The color scheme combines deep blues and greens for a sense of security, with bright whites and yellows serving as accents. Ensure all elements are symmetrically balanced and the PfSense logo is the most visually prominent.

pfSense Firewall/Router

By: Wendell Barber


By: Ken Johnson