St. Louis Unix Users Group

The St. Louis Unix Users Group (SLUUG) meets on the second Wednesday of each month. The meeting begins at 6:30p.m. Central Time.

Meeting Agenda

At 6:00p.m. Central Time the meeting opens. Participants are encouraged to join at this time to if they need to test their microphone, screen sharing, and video camera.

At 6:30p.m. Central Time we begin with our BASE presentation. The BASE presentation is intended to be an introductory level session ( often focused on personal computing ); which may include either amazing graphical packages, blinking lights, command line wonders, demonstrations of useful applications, displays of newly discovered web sites, major resolution of long standing anomalies, quantum discoveries, smoke and mirrors, superb tutorials, or shifts in both time and space.

At 7:00p.m. Central Time we attempt a quick welcome, introductions, announcements, current events of interest, and a general CALL FOR HELP (Questions and Answers) segment.

At 7:15p.m. Central Time the MAIN presentation begins. The MAIN presentation is intended to be something more advanced, detailed, important, new, profound, significant, timely or useful and is often focused on enterprise computing.

SLUUG Meetings

SLUUG - May 8, 2024

Create an image with a visually striking, dark-themed background suggestive of cybersecurity; incorporate a circuit board pattern to represent technology. Position a large semi-transparent shield symbol in the center that represents protection. On the left side, depict artificial intelligence and cybersecurity with a neural network pattern, a lock icon, a generic security software logo, and an image of a friendly robot opposing a cyber attacker silhouette. On the right side, represent network sniffing with the illustrations of different generic network sniffing tools, a magnifying glass over a network diagram, data packets, a network topology, and a Wi-Fi symbol with an eye icon included. Throughout the image, subtly include binary code or matrix-like elements and use neon blue or green highlights to make things pop out. The entire image embodies a futuristic, security-centric theme.

Cybersecurity & AI - A Review

By: Tony Zafiropoulos

An adventure in starting network 'sniffing'

By: Lee Lammert & Grant Taylor

SLUUG Calendar