Stl Linux Unix Users Group

SLUUG - May 8, 2024

Create an image with a visually striking, dark-themed background suggestive of cybersecurity; incorporate a circuit board pattern to represent technology. Position a large semi-transparent shield symbol in the center that represents protection. On the left side, depict artificial intelligence and cybersecurity with a neural network pattern, a lock icon, a generic security software logo, and an image of a friendly robot opposing a cyber attacker silhouette. On the right side, represent network sniffing with the illustrations of different generic network sniffing tools, a magnifying glass over a network diagram, data packets, a network topology, and a Wi-Fi symbol with an eye icon included. Throughout the image, subtly include binary code or matrix-like elements and use neon blue or green highlights to make things pop out. The entire image embodies a futuristic, security-centric theme.

Cybersecurity & AI - A Review

By: Tony Zafiropoulos

An adventure in starting network 'sniffing'

By: Lee Lammert & Grant Taylor

STLLUG - April 18, 2024

Create a striking and moody image representing a security issue for a blog announcement titled 'The XZ Hack: Unveiling the Near-Miss in xz and liblzma'. The image should have a gradient background transitioning from dark blue to black, symbolizing sophistication and ominousness. In the center, a high-resolution image of a lock that's half-broken with glowing red crack lines emanating from it should be placed, symbolizing compromise in security and vulnerability. At the top-left, subtly blend the logo of a utility unit and at the bottom-left, place a logo honoring open-source operating systems. A grayscale logo of a tech news site should be positioned at the bottom right. Overlaid faintly across the image horizontally should be binary code, representing underlying data. A shadowy image of a hacker should be blended into the background on one side, suggesting the undetected threat. Red accents or highlights around the broken lock and a soft white glow around the logos should be present to draw focus.

The XZ Hack

By: Andrew Denner