Stl Linux Unix Users Group

STLLUG - June 22, 2023

Create a tech-themed blog announcement image with the following characteristics: the background should be sleek and dark, evoking the atmosphere of a coding environment. The primary colors should be deep greys and blacks contrasted with accent colors of bright green, whites, and light greys. The central design should be a large computer screen or laptop, displaying the interface of the vi/VIM text editor. To the side of this screen, place a logo familiar in its design but unrelated to any real brands. Throughout the design, integrate soft visual elements representing code (e.g., brackets, tags). To symbolize a progression of learning in 7 steps, incorporate a subtle abstract flow, such as a series of small dots or arrows, meandering across the image. Ensure the top section of the design is less detailed to allow for a blog title overlay. For the bottom section, add delicate coding symbols to provide depth without detracting from the central image. The graphic design elements should maintain their original ratios and exude a professional aesthetic.

Learning vi/VIM in 7 lessons

By: Stan Reichardt

STLLUG - May 18, 2023

Design an image for a blog post about GitHub’s CodeSpace. The background should transition from a deep blue at the top to a light blue at the bottom, symbolizing the cloud and the possibilities of development environments. At the center, design a sleek, modern cloud icon, subtly integrated with a Docker icon. Also, incorporate an image of an open laptop or computer screen, showing terminal windows and code snippets. Place a GitHub Octocat logo at the top-left or top-right corner of the image, a subtly placed Linux Tux logo around the laptop screen, and a recognizable browser icon like Chrome or Firefox near the laptop, all within trademark guidelines. For finishing touches, add a slight tech-themed, circuit board pattern to the background and sprinkle in icons representing development, such as a wrench, gears, or code brackets. The overall image should convey innovation, ease-of-use, and excitement about accessing powerful development tools directly from the cloud.

GitHub CodeSpace

By: Robert Citek

SLUUG - April 12, 2023

Visualize a modern and professional blog post design with an emphasis on technology and open source. The background consists of a sleek, dark-themed gradient, transitioning from shades of blue to black. The foreground is home to various tech-centered logos and symbols. A generic tech logo, mimicking Intel's style and size, is placed prominently in the center. Around this logo, artistically arrange icons that symbolize open-source concepts, such as a penguin (representing Linux), a wildebeest head (for GNU), and an octocat (resembling GitHub). Discreet icons of a handshake and a group of people, symbolizing community and collaboration, are poised near the edges. Subtle tech elements like binary code, circuit diagrams, network connections trace around the edges to add a tech-focused aesthetic. The visual elements are displayed in contrasting white and blue tones on the dark background. The logos near the central tech logo are positioned in a semi-circle or orbit effect, with faint lines of code or circuit designs in the backdrop to add depth. This design will convey the theme of contributions to Open Source in a neat and engaging manner.

Intel's Contributions to Open Source

By: Katherine Druckman

Using KeePassXC

By: Stan Reichardt