Last Updated: 2099-07-05

Andrew Denner

Andrew is the president of the Central Iowa Linux Users Group (CIALUG). By day he is a Senior Software Developer working in High Performance Computing, and cloud computing. In his free time he enjoys tinkering with Linux as well as playing the Tuba.

Presentations By Andrew Denner

STLLUG - April 18, 2024

Create a striking and moody image representing a security issue for a blog announcement titled 'The XZ Hack: Unveiling the Near-Miss in xz and liblzma'. The image should have a gradient background transitioning from dark blue to black, symbolizing sophistication and ominousness. In the center, a high-resolution image of a lock that's half-broken with glowing red crack lines emanating from it should be placed, symbolizing compromise in security and vulnerability. At the top-left, subtly blend the logo of a utility unit and at the bottom-left, place a logo honoring open-source operating systems. A grayscale logo of a tech news site should be positioned at the bottom right. Overlaid faintly across the image horizontally should be binary code, representing underlying data. A shadowy image of a hacker should be blended into the background on one side, suggesting the undetected threat. Red accents or highlights around the broken lock and a soft white glow around the logos should be present to draw focus.

The XZ Hack

By: Andrew Denner