Last Updated: 2023-10-19

Ken Johnson

I work as an independent consultant performing system and small network administration, and writing specialized technical documentation.I have used Wireshark and other tools for network packet capture and analysis for problem-solving since 1979.I am new-ish to Linux Mint, but have set up other Linux workstations since about 1998.I use fail2ban on a client’s mail server (exim4, dovecot, Debian stable) to drop 25 - 200 hostile packets/hour.I use fail2ban on a client’s webserver to stop OpenVAS and other pests.I run a mail server for a client using Debian Linux, exim4, dovecot, spamassassin, fail2ban, ipset, and iptables.

Presentations By Ken Johnson

STLLUG - October 19, 2023

Create an image that reflects a dynamic and stimulating presentation called 'Lightning Talks'. In the centre, under the dire atmosphere of a dark, stormy sky bathed with diverging beams of light from bolts of lightning, lay three pictorial representations of the discussion topics. On the left edge, an envelope icon is being examined by a magnifying glass, signifying email troubleshooting. On the right, two logos are displayed side by side with miniscule 'VS' symbol in between them, plainspokenly representing a comparison of Fossil and Git, two distributed version control systems. Lastly, towards the lower edge, computer screens and code snippets are disseminated across the field, symbolising an array of other tech topics that can be introduced. The bolts of lightning illuminate specific areas around these symbols, guiding focus and highlighting the drama and excitement these discussions encapsulate. The colors used should be in line with and augment the SLUUG branding.

Lightning Talks

By: Ken Johnson

SLUUG - April 13, 2022

Create an image highlighting the theme of network security and functionality. The scene is set against a dark, textured background representing a sense of cybersecurity. At the center, a stylized representation of a router is situated, with rays emanating from it symbolizing network connectivity. Icons related to pfSense, FreeBSD, DNS, DHCP, WiFi, VPN, and Firewall are logically arranged around the router. The image also contains undulating lines signifying network traffic management and subtle, Matrix-like code running in the background. The color scheme combines deep blues and greens for a sense of security, with bright whites and yellows serving as accents. Ensure all elements are symmetrically balanced and the PfSense logo is the most visually prominent.

pfSense Firewall/Router

By: Wendell Barber


By: Ken Johnson