Last Updated: 2021-07-19

Michael Carrington

More than 15 years Information Technology ExperiencePhoenix Native

  • Transplanted in KCMO via Benedictine CollegeMarried with five children and Hero, the cat.

Presentations By Michael Carrington

STLLUG - February 17, 2022

Create a visually engaging technology collage with a gradient backdrop transitioning from deep blue to a lighter green. Place the logo of SUSE Liberty prominently in the top-center part of the image, slightly larger than the others. Arrange the logos of SUSE Rancher and SUSE Harvester around SUSE Liberty in a semi-circular format, with Rancher on the left and Harvester on the right. Include the Kubernetes logo at the bottom center. Connect the logos subtly with thin, glowing lines indicating integration. Each logo has a light aura around it for a glowing effect. Sprinkle faint server stacks and container icons in the background for additional context.

SUSE Rancher, Harvester, Liberty, and more!

By: Michael Carrington

STLLUG - February 18, 2021

Create a futuristic and technological themed image with a sleek, dark background incorporating shades of deep blue and black. Include a subtle glowing network grid effect to signify connectivity and technology integration. At the center, place a green chameleon logo (while avoiding explicit reference to identifiable trademarks), subtly glowing for a cutting-edge appearance. On the left, place a little blue cow icon with a futuristic shine. On the right, add a ship wheel logo also subtly illuminated. Incorporate semi-transparent elements representing containerized systems as abstract shapes or icons. Integrate subtle visual effects like circuit lines and data flow animations around the logos to symbolize data interchange and advanced technology integration. Add a faint, white light at the top of the image, creating a halo effect around the logos.

Update on SuSE

By: Michael Carrington