Last Updated: 2021-09-25

Stan Reichardt

Currently Leader of the Newcomer Linux Users Group (NEWLUG) for Linux newcomers. Currently Leading Advocate of the Saint Louis Computer Club (SLACC). Currently Vice President St. Louis Unix Users Group (SLUUG). Currently a member of the SLUUG Board of Governors. Frequent participant at SLUUG Steering Committee. Reluctant webmaster for SLUUG web pages.Extensive hands on experience with Linux and other Operating SystemsMy start was with hobby computers back in the 1970’s while on Active Duty with the U.S. Army Reserve. My interest became professional and with the next 10 years, work included networked mini-computer systems, desktop PCs, help desk support for desktop users, data base programming, Unix System Administration, bulletin boards and more. I retired from active military service as an Information Systems Chief with the U.S. Army Reserve Command, Atlanta Georgia.Contract work followed doing Software Deployment for the U.S. Postal Service, UNIX System Administration for U.S. Army Material Command, Linux Subject Matter Expert for Wave Technologies International, Senior Security Engineer auditing and evaluating security assessments for the Veterans Administration.I have received certifications from CompTIA, the IT Industry Trade Association, and others.CompTIA Linux + certification 2005 CompTIA Security + certification 2005 Linux Professional Institute (LPI) Level-1 certification 2004I started a beginner friendly user group for Linux newcomers know as the Hazelwood Linux Users Group in November 2000. It has since been renamed and is now known as the NewLinux Users Group . The St. Louis Unix Users Group and other Unix/Linux groups meet monthly in the St. Louis Metro Area. Membership and meetings are free.Still likes to drive Ford Pickup Truck. Annual subscription with since 2015 Life member National Rifle Association since age 16. Subscriber to Analog Science Fiction and Fact magazine since age 15.

Presentations By Stan Reichardt

SLUUG - August 9, 2023

Create a visually appealing layout for a blog post image. Use a modern gradient background transitioning from a soft blue on the left to a deeper blue on the right. On the left side, place an image of a dolphin that signifies a popular database system, surrounded by subtle database icons for depth. Incorporate the concept of backup and restore with an icon featuring a server stack and an arrow indicating a restore process. On the right side, display a logo denoting a text editor in green, along with a split-screen graphic filled with code snippets, mimicking the side-by-side editing feature. In the center, leave a merging area that subtly signifies the connection between the two technologies, without any text. Preserve plenty of white space for a clean, professional look. All logos and icons should be high-quality, clean vector graphics to maintain sharpness and detail.

Hot restore of a MySQL database

By: Lee Lammert

VIM Side by Side

By: Stan Reichardt

STLLUG - June 22, 2023

Create a tech-themed blog announcement image with the following characteristics: the background should be sleek and dark, evoking the atmosphere of a coding environment. The primary colors should be deep greys and blacks contrasted with accent colors of bright green, whites, and light greys. The central design should be a large computer screen or laptop, displaying the interface of the vi/VIM text editor. To the side of this screen, place a logo familiar in its design but unrelated to any real brands. Throughout the design, integrate soft visual elements representing code (e.g., brackets, tags). To symbolize a progression of learning in 7 steps, incorporate a subtle abstract flow, such as a series of small dots or arrows, meandering across the image. Ensure the top section of the design is less detailed to allow for a blog title overlay. For the bottom section, add delicate coding symbols to provide depth without detracting from the central image. The graphic design elements should maintain their original ratios and exude a professional aesthetic.

Learning vi/VIM in 7 lessons

By: Stan Reichardt

SLUUG - April 12, 2023

Visualize a modern and professional blog post design with an emphasis on technology and open source. The background consists of a sleek, dark-themed gradient, transitioning from shades of blue to black. The foreground is home to various tech-centered logos and symbols. A generic tech logo, mimicking Intel's style and size, is placed prominently in the center. Around this logo, artistically arrange icons that symbolize open-source concepts, such as a penguin (representing Linux), a wildebeest head (for GNU), and an octocat (resembling GitHub). Discreet icons of a handshake and a group of people, symbolizing community and collaboration, are poised near the edges. Subtle tech elements like binary code, circuit diagrams, network connections trace around the edges to add a tech-focused aesthetic. The visual elements are displayed in contrasting white and blue tones on the dark background. The logos near the central tech logo are positioned in a semi-circle or orbit effect, with faint lines of code or circuit designs in the backdrop to add depth. This design will convey the theme of contributions to Open Source in a neat and engaging manner.

Intel's Contributions to Open Source

By: Katherine Druckman

Using KeePassXC

By: Stan Reichardt

SLUUG - March 8, 2023

Design a professional and modern blog announcement image. The background is a mix of green and white, using gradients to simulate depth, growth, and freshness. The OpenSuSE logo is located centrally, sized slightly larger than the other elements for emphasis, while the Linux penguin logo is subtly included in the background. Icons from other well-known FOSS projects, like Docker, Kubernetes, and Jenkins, are scattered around the OpenSuSE logo. A Yast icon representing a toolkit or a system control center is added along with arrow icons that form a cycle, symbolizing seamless upgrades and stability. Subtle tech iconography, depicting servers and data centers is integrated into the background, along with icons suggesting pathways or connectivity. The bottom portion of the image includes a clean, transparent overlay strip placeholder for event details.

Future of OpenSuSE LEAP

By: Lee Lammert

LibreOffice Database

By: Stan Reichardt

SLUUG - January 11, 2023

Design a sleek, dark-themed blog image. The background should display a subtle gradient from dark blue to black, with slight inclusions of a world map and a modern shield icon with a lock symbol for security representation. In the center, create an abstract image of a semi-transparent terminal window, slightly tilted, showcasing code snippets. On either side of the terminal window, include minimalist line-art styled icons inspired by communication and debugging tech tools. The left icon should match the terminal theme colors while the right icon can remain its recognizable blue yet blended well into the dark theme. Edge the image with scattered binary codes or data flow lines to add a high-tech feel. Note: the image should be high-resolution, clean, and without any text.

Strace & Zoom

By: Steven Lembark

Why Use Linux: Advantages & Challenges

By: Stan Reichardt

SLUUG - October 12, 2022

Generate a sleek and modern image that captures both the technical and gaming aspects of a handheld gaming computer. The central focus of the image is a high-resolution depiction of the handheld gaming device, surrounded by a subtle blend of gaming-related elements such as faint circuit patterns and game controller icons. Surrounding this central image, please integrate subtle tech logos and emblems that represent the device's developer, operating system, processor, and gaming ecosystem. These can include a gear for the developer, a penguin to represent the broader Linux ecosystem, and a representation of popular gaming software. Accompany these logos with faint silhouettes of generic game characters or symbols in the backdrop. The color theme should be primarily dark tones, supplemented with vibrant accents from the emblems and symbols. Finally, add some soft glowing effects around the gaming device and subtle gradients and shadow effects to create depth.

Steam Deck

By: Tyler Rudie

Man Pages

By: Stan Reichardt