Last Updated: 2021-06-10

Tyler Rudie

Tyler Rudie is the Senior IT Support Engineer for Siemens Industry Software Accounts Department. Yes his code touched your user account when you got hired at Siemens.He currently spends his days abusing Python and Powershell so he can take long naps at work. So far, no luck. Management and Coworkers keep finding him things to do.Overkill is his middle name, the code bends to his will, and he has curated a particular set of skills over the last 5 years. If there is bad data; he will find it, and he will fix it.One of these days he will get back to his Photography and Astrophotography hobbies.

Presentations By Tyler Rudie

SLUUG - October 12, 2022

Generate a sleek and modern image that captures both the technical and gaming aspects of a handheld gaming computer. The central focus of the image is a high-resolution depiction of the handheld gaming device, surrounded by a subtle blend of gaming-related elements such as faint circuit patterns and game controller icons. Surrounding this central image, please integrate subtle tech logos and emblems that represent the device's developer, operating system, processor, and gaming ecosystem. These can include a gear for the developer, a penguin to represent the broader Linux ecosystem, and a representation of popular gaming software. Accompany these logos with faint silhouettes of generic game characters or symbols in the backdrop. The color theme should be primarily dark tones, supplemented with vibrant accents from the emblems and symbols. Finally, add some soft glowing effects around the gaming device and subtle gradients and shadow effects to create depth.

Steam Deck

By: Tyler Rudie

Man Pages

By: Stan Reichardt

SLUUG - June 8, 2022

Design an engaging image that conveys the essence of time-efficient, organized backups. The background is a calming gradient transitioning from a light to dark shade of blue. In the center, there's a large, white open folder. Surrounding it are smaller folders or files, each labeled with timestamps like 'hourly', 'daily', 'weekly', etc. and color-coded. To the bottom right, there's a small, recognizable logo signifying data transfer, and to the bottom left, an emblem representing secure digital communication. Floating above all this are subtle icons of clocks and calendars, reinforcing the time aspect of the backups. This image will not include any text.


By: Tyler Rudie


By: Lee Lammert