Presentations about: ai

SLUUG - May 8, 2024

Create an image with a visually striking, dark-themed background suggestive of cybersecurity; incorporate a circuit board pattern to represent technology. Position a large semi-transparent shield symbol in the center that represents protection. On the left side, depict artificial intelligence and cybersecurity with a neural network pattern, a lock icon, a generic security software logo, and an image of a friendly robot opposing a cyber attacker silhouette. On the right side, represent network sniffing with the illustrations of different generic network sniffing tools, a magnifying glass over a network diagram, data packets, a network topology, and a Wi-Fi symbol with an eye icon included. Throughout the image, subtly include binary code or matrix-like elements and use neon blue or green highlights to make things pop out. The entire image embodies a futuristic, security-centric theme.

Cybersecurity & AI - A Review

By: Tony Zafiropoulos

An adventure in starting network 'sniffing'

By: Lee Lammert & Grant Taylor

SLUUG - February 14, 2024

Design a dynamic and engaging image that encapsulates the essence of generative AI's growth and impact over the past year, for a blog post titled 'AI 2: Electric Boogaloo'. The image must feature a futuristic cityscape, symbolizing innovation and progress, segmented into various sectors like corporate offices, art studios, research labs, and tech startups to represent AI's widespread influence. Incorporate subtle logos of prominent AI tools into different sections of the cityscape such as banner on buildings, signs, or projected holograms. Additionally, include imagery of paths or data streams flowing through the city connecting these logos. Add elements showing Caucasian female and Hispanic male figures interacting with AI-generated visuals on screens or holographic assistants, representing the collaborative aspect between humans and AI. Highlight diverse activities like creating art, coding, and conducting a research. Feature subtle icons or representations of advancements such as robotic hands, neural network patterns, and digital tools using vibrant colours like neon blues, silvers, and whites. As for the background, make a deep, starry night sky infused with digital elements like binary codes among the stars, indicating the expansive nature of AI data processing and development. The image should be clean, modern, visually compelling and evoke curiosity and excitement about the upcoming presentation while clearly highlighting the rapid advancements in AI technology.

AI 2: Electric Boogaloo

By: Scott Granneman

How to Plan a Major OS Upgrade

By: Lee Lammert

STLLUG - December 22, 2022

At the center of the image, visualise an abstract digital brain with glowing neural network lines radiating outward in vibrant colors like blues and neon greens, symbolising ChatGPT and artificial intelligence. Orbiting this brain, arrange smaller icons evenly, depicting a modern smartphone with a glowing screen, a circuit-studded microchip, a minimalistic palette with artistic swirls conveying DALL-E image generation, a cloud-like diffusion graphic signifying Stable Diffusion, and a globe with interconnected lines representing the Internet. Set all of this against a dark blue background, subtly speckled with white and light gray digital patterns or circuit designs. Distribute small logos of related technologies such as OpenAI and Intel, blending seamlessly into the digital mesh. Strive for an engaging, sleek and modern look synonymous with technological advancement, effectively encompassing the subject of the blog post presentation.

ChatGPT & AI

By: Scott Granneman