Presentations about: networking

SLUUG - May 8, 2024

Create an image with a visually striking, dark-themed background suggestive of cybersecurity; incorporate a circuit board pattern to represent technology. Position a large semi-transparent shield symbol in the center that represents protection. On the left side, depict artificial intelligence and cybersecurity with a neural network pattern, a lock icon, a generic security software logo, and an image of a friendly robot opposing a cyber attacker silhouette. On the right side, represent network sniffing with the illustrations of different generic network sniffing tools, a magnifying glass over a network diagram, data packets, a network topology, and a Wi-Fi symbol with an eye icon included. Throughout the image, subtly include binary code or matrix-like elements and use neon blue or green highlights to make things pop out. The entire image embodies a futuristic, security-centric theme.

Cybersecurity & AI - A Review

By: Tony Zafiropoulos

An adventure in starting network 'sniffing'

By: Lee Lammert & Grant Taylor

SLUUG - April 13, 2022

Create an image highlighting the theme of network security and functionality. The scene is set against a dark, textured background representing a sense of cybersecurity. At the center, a stylized representation of a router is situated, with rays emanating from it symbolizing network connectivity. Icons related to pfSense, FreeBSD, DNS, DHCP, WiFi, VPN, and Firewall are logically arranged around the router. The image also contains undulating lines signifying network traffic management and subtle, Matrix-like code running in the background. The color scheme combines deep blues and greens for a sense of security, with bright whites and yellows serving as accents. Ensure all elements are symmetrically balanced and the PfSense logo is the most visually prominent.

pfSense Firewall/Router

By: Wendell Barber


By: Ken Johnson

STLLUG - October 21, 2021

Create an image filled with futuristic, space-like matrix aesthetics. The background should be dark, dotted with interconnected nodes and lines representing network connections and data flow in shades of blue, green, and white for a high-tech feel. In the forefront, feature a slightly translucent laptop with an open screen displaying a complex network topology diagram. Subtly integrate logos such as IP, routers, and MAC into the network matrix with a slight glow to draw attention. Also, depict small floating holograms of networking gear, IP/MAC address icons, and security icons around the laptop. Include faint figures sitting around a virtual roundtable made from lines and nodes, indicating an open discussion among diverse individuals. The style should be modern and clean with sleek graphics and subtle gradients to give depth. Add a soft, neon-like glow around the laptop screen and logos and lightly textured digital patterns in the background for added visual interest.

Open Discussion

By: Roundtable Discusion