Presentations about: openVAS

STLLUG - January 21, 2021

A high-tech cybersecurity image to announce a major upgrade of OpenVAS. The backdrop is a complex digital network with pathways and nodes, colored in hues of blue and green. The central element in the foreground is the textless OpenVAS logo, subtly larger and glowing. It is surrounded by graphics representing vulnerability assessment tools like shields, padlocks, warning icons, and network nodes. Logos of HTTP/HTTPS to the left, FTP to the right, SSH below, and SMTP above hover around the OpenVAS logo without any text, adding to the complexity of the image. Layered on top of this are soft green digital matrix-like lines of code, creating additional depth and highlighting the theme of programming. All these elements combine to create a clean, modern flat design with slight gradients and shadows for depth, signifying OpenVAS's advanced features and capabilities.

openVAS - Major Upgrade

By: Tony Zafiropoulos