Presentations about: security

SLUUG - May 8, 2024

Create an image with a visually striking, dark-themed background suggestive of cybersecurity; incorporate a circuit board pattern to represent technology. Position a large semi-transparent shield symbol in the center that represents protection. On the left side, depict artificial intelligence and cybersecurity with a neural network pattern, a lock icon, a generic security software logo, and an image of a friendly robot opposing a cyber attacker silhouette. On the right side, represent network sniffing with the illustrations of different generic network sniffing tools, a magnifying glass over a network diagram, data packets, a network topology, and a Wi-Fi symbol with an eye icon included. Throughout the image, subtly include binary code or matrix-like elements and use neon blue or green highlights to make things pop out. The entire image embodies a futuristic, security-centric theme.

Cybersecurity & AI - A Review

By: Tony Zafiropoulos

An adventure in starting network 'sniffing'

By: Lee Lammert & Grant Taylor

STLLUG - April 18, 2024

Create a striking and moody image representing a security issue for a blog announcement titled 'The XZ Hack: Unveiling the Near-Miss in xz and liblzma'. The image should have a gradient background transitioning from dark blue to black, symbolizing sophistication and ominousness. In the center, a high-resolution image of a lock that's half-broken with glowing red crack lines emanating from it should be placed, symbolizing compromise in security and vulnerability. At the top-left, subtly blend the logo of a utility unit and at the bottom-left, place a logo honoring open-source operating systems. A grayscale logo of a tech news site should be positioned at the bottom right. Overlaid faintly across the image horizontally should be binary code, representing underlying data. A shadowy image of a hacker should be blended into the background on one side, suggesting the undetected threat. Red accents or highlights around the broken lock and a soft white glow around the logos should be present to draw focus.

The XZ Hack

By: Andrew Denner

STLLUG - November 16, 2023

Create an image that incorporates a gradient background blending deep blues and soft greens to represent security and trust. The central component of this image should be a visually striking shield, symbolizing protection and security. Inside this shield, subtly incorporate a padlock symbol often associated with encryption. Surrounding the shield, small, semi-transparent logos of OpenSSL, Let's Encrypt, Wireshark, and Mozilla Firefox should be distributed. Connect these logos to the shield with very subtle lines, representing the network. Small icons such as a globe, a server rack, and a computer should be placed subtly in the background to symbolize the global nature of the internet, server facilities, and end-user devices.  Overall, the color scheme should evoke feelings of security, trust, and reliability and include subtle glows and gradients to make the image engaging. The resolution should be high, and the overall style should be minimal yet informative. The image should be suitable for a blog post on TLS and should not include any text.

TLS 2023

By: Michael W. Lucas

SLUUG - April 12, 2023

Visualize a modern and professional blog post design with an emphasis on technology and open source. The background consists of a sleek, dark-themed gradient, transitioning from shades of blue to black. The foreground is home to various tech-centered logos and symbols. A generic tech logo, mimicking Intel's style and size, is placed prominently in the center. Around this logo, artistically arrange icons that symbolize open-source concepts, such as a penguin (representing Linux), a wildebeest head (for GNU), and an octocat (resembling GitHub). Discreet icons of a handshake and a group of people, symbolizing community and collaboration, are poised near the edges. Subtle tech elements like binary code, circuit diagrams, network connections trace around the edges to add a tech-focused aesthetic. The visual elements are displayed in contrasting white and blue tones on the dark background. The logos near the central tech logo are positioned in a semi-circle or orbit effect, with faint lines of code or circuit designs in the backdrop to add depth. This design will convey the theme of contributions to Open Source in a neat and engaging manner.

Intel's Contributions to Open Source

By: Katherine Druckman

Using KeePassXC

By: Stan Reichardt

STLLUG - January 19, 2023

Design an image to be used for a blog post with a cybersecurity theme. The main visual component is a dark, abstract tech-themed background meant to evoke a sense of mystery and security. Incorporate the PowerShell logo prominently at the top or center, and represent the Empire with an abstract icon, such as a stealthy figure or a hacker silhouette. On one side, subtly integrate an icon representing a GUI or dashboard, signifying Starkiller. At the top left corner, include the Kali Linux dragon logo, subtly blended into the design. Along the bottom, integrate abstract representations of operating system logos, such as Windows, macOS, and Linux, to highlight cross-platform compatibility. The image should also feature circuit-like designs or lines, shadows and gradient effects for added depth and a high-tech feel.

Powershell Empire Security Tool

By: Gregory Petty

SLUUG - January 11, 2023

Design a sleek, dark-themed blog image. The background should display a subtle gradient from dark blue to black, with slight inclusions of a world map and a modern shield icon with a lock symbol for security representation. In the center, create an abstract image of a semi-transparent terminal window, slightly tilted, showcasing code snippets. On either side of the terminal window, include minimalist line-art styled icons inspired by communication and debugging tech tools. The left icon should match the terminal theme colors while the right icon can remain its recognizable blue yet blended well into the dark theme. Edge the image with scattered binary codes or data flow lines to add a high-tech feel. Note: the image should be high-resolution, clean, and without any text.

Strace & Zoom

By: Steven Lembark

Why Use Linux: Advantages & Challenges

By: Stan Reichardt

SLUUG - September 14, 2022

Envision an image with the harmony of soft blue and white hues forming a tranquil cloudscape in the background, symbolizing the serenity of the cloud environment. In the center, depict a stylized image of a server, or perhaps a rack of servers, to signify cloud-based solutions. Towards the top-right corner, place a hint of a green abstract logo, similar but not identical to any existing brand to stay copyright compliant, subtly hinting at a particular cloud service provider. Near the bottom-middle, draw an endearing black and white bird with an orange beak, evoking the spirit of an open-source community but not exactly mimicking the Linux mascot. Sprinkle the image with subtle elements of network connection lines, indicating connectivity, and subtly incorporate visuals of a shield and a bar graph to signify robust security and performance. The color palette should relay a bright and inviting tone.

Archiving Web Pages

By: Scott Granneman

Securing WordPress

By: Scott Granneman

Setting up a Linode

By: Scott Granneman

Visual Studio Code

By: Scott Granneman

STLLUG - March 17, 2022

Create an image aligning with a cybersecurity orientation presentation. The image should have a modern dark background with a subtle gradient effect for a high-tech and professional feel. In the center, represent a logo that symbolizes a well-known vulnerability scanner. This should be surrounded by two distinct logos, one at the top right indicative of a change from vulnerability scanning to a different initiative, and another at the bottom left representing a popular Linux distribution associated with cybersecurity. Include abstract graphic elements like network diagrams, shield icons, and nodes to denote network security, scanning, and vulnerability assessment. Depict clouds, servers, and device icons around the edges as indications of scanning capacities for both external and internal targets. For a finishing touch, incorporate a subtle overlay of circuit board patterns, suggesting technical depth.

OpenVAS Vulnerability Scanner

By: Tony Zafiropoulos

STLLUG - January 21, 2021

A high-tech cybersecurity image to announce a major upgrade of OpenVAS. The backdrop is a complex digital network with pathways and nodes, colored in hues of blue and green. The central element in the foreground is the textless OpenVAS logo, subtly larger and glowing. It is surrounded by graphics representing vulnerability assessment tools like shields, padlocks, warning icons, and network nodes. Logos of HTTP/HTTPS to the left, FTP to the right, SSH below, and SMTP above hover around the OpenVAS logo without any text, adding to the complexity of the image. Layered on top of this are soft green digital matrix-like lines of code, creating additional depth and highlighting the theme of programming. All these elements combine to create a clean, modern flat design with slight gradients and shadows for depth, signifying OpenVAS's advanced features and capabilities.

openVAS - Major Upgrade

By: Tony Zafiropoulos