Presentations about: text-editor

SLUUG - August 9, 2023

Create a visually appealing layout for a blog post image. Use a modern gradient background transitioning from a soft blue on the left to a deeper blue on the right. On the left side, place an image of a dolphin that signifies a popular database system, surrounded by subtle database icons for depth. Incorporate the concept of backup and restore with an icon featuring a server stack and an arrow indicating a restore process. On the right side, display a logo denoting a text editor in green, along with a split-screen graphic filled with code snippets, mimicking the side-by-side editing feature. In the center, leave a merging area that subtly signifies the connection between the two technologies, without any text. Preserve plenty of white space for a clean, professional look. All logos and icons should be high-quality, clean vector graphics to maintain sharpness and detail.

Hot restore of a MySQL database

By: Lee Lammert

VIM Side by Side

By: Stan Reichardt

STLLUG - June 22, 2023

Create a tech-themed blog announcement image with the following characteristics: the background should be sleek and dark, evoking the atmosphere of a coding environment. The primary colors should be deep greys and blacks contrasted with accent colors of bright green, whites, and light greys. The central design should be a large computer screen or laptop, displaying the interface of the vi/VIM text editor. To the side of this screen, place a logo familiar in its design but unrelated to any real brands. Throughout the design, integrate soft visual elements representing code (e.g., brackets, tags). To symbolize a progression of learning in 7 steps, incorporate a subtle abstract flow, such as a series of small dots or arrows, meandering across the image. Ensure the top section of the design is less detailed to allow for a blog title overlay. For the bottom section, add delicate coding symbols to provide depth without detracting from the central image. The graphic design elements should maintain their original ratios and exude a professional aesthetic.

Learning vi/VIM in 7 lessons

By: Stan Reichardt

SLUUG - September 14, 2022

Envision an image with the harmony of soft blue and white hues forming a tranquil cloudscape in the background, symbolizing the serenity of the cloud environment. In the center, depict a stylized image of a server, or perhaps a rack of servers, to signify cloud-based solutions. Towards the top-right corner, place a hint of a green abstract logo, similar but not identical to any existing brand to stay copyright compliant, subtly hinting at a particular cloud service provider. Near the bottom-middle, draw an endearing black and white bird with an orange beak, evoking the spirit of an open-source community but not exactly mimicking the Linux mascot. Sprinkle the image with subtle elements of network connection lines, indicating connectivity, and subtly incorporate visuals of a shield and a bar graph to signify robust security and performance. The color palette should relay a bright and inviting tone.

Archiving Web Pages

By: Scott Granneman

Securing WordPress

By: Scott Granneman

Setting up a Linode

By: Scott Granneman

Visual Studio Code

By: Scott Granneman