Presentations about: version-control

STLLUG - October 19, 2023

Create an image that reflects a dynamic and stimulating presentation called 'Lightning Talks'. In the centre, under the dire atmosphere of a dark, stormy sky bathed with diverging beams of light from bolts of lightning, lay three pictorial representations of the discussion topics. On the left edge, an envelope icon is being examined by a magnifying glass, signifying email troubleshooting. On the right, two logos are displayed side by side with miniscule 'VS' symbol in between them, plainspokenly representing a comparison of Fossil and Git, two distributed version control systems. Lastly, towards the lower edge, computer screens and code snippets are disseminated across the field, symbolising an array of other tech topics that can be introduced. The bolts of lightning illuminate specific areas around these symbols, guiding focus and highlighting the drama and excitement these discussions encapsulate. The colors used should be in line with and augment the SLUUG branding.

Lightning Talks

By: Ken Johnson

SLUUG - June 9, 2021

Visualize a sleek, modern image with a gradient background transitioning from deep navy blue at the top to black at the bottom, subtly resembling a digital data structure with faint vertical lines or a grid. The central focus is the prominent SQLite logo, enhanced with a slight 3D effect and soft shadows. The technological theme is emphasized through an overlay of futuristic, semi-transparent icons and symbols related to databases and technology, such as data flow charts, binary code, and circuit patterns. Gentle pulsating light effects around the SQLite logo create an atmospheric draw. The upper sphere features semi-transparent icons interspersed with subtle glows. The lower sphere has more subdued symbols against the dark gradient. Dominant colors should include shades of blue, trust, and technology blended with whites for contrast and clarity, with a hint of neon. Subtle smooth manic textures help accentuate the advanced technology theme, and soft backlighting behind the SQLite logo enhances the illusion of depth.

Git: peering behind the curtain

By: Robert Citek

SQLite 3 DataBase

By: Ed Howland & Bob Hansen