STLLUG Meetings

STLLUG - January 18, 2024

Design a detailed digital collage that captures the concept of big data and the Hadoop ecosystem. Center the image with a yellow elephant, surrounded by flowing streams of binary code and data packets. Include cloud icons and server rack graphics radiating out from the elephant, and scatter smaller logos of related technologies (like Apache Hive, Apache Spark, etc.) around. Add abstract elements like fading graphs, charts, and network diagrams in the background. Use a modern palette with shades of blue, green, and yellow on a subtle gradient or geometric background. Highlight key areas with soft glow or light streaks for a dynamic, futuristic feel. The image should be sized for blog headers (1200px x 675px) and saved in high-quality PNG or JPEG.

Hadoop for big data. An intro.

By: Steven Lembark

STLLUG - November 16, 2023

Create an image that incorporates a gradient background blending deep blues and soft greens to represent security and trust. The central component of this image should be a visually striking shield, symbolizing protection and security. Inside this shield, subtly incorporate a padlock symbol often associated with encryption. Surrounding the shield, small, semi-transparent logos of OpenSSL, Let's Encrypt, Wireshark, and Mozilla Firefox should be distributed. Connect these logos to the shield with very subtle lines, representing the network. Small icons such as a globe, a server rack, and a computer should be placed subtly in the background to symbolize the global nature of the internet, server facilities, and end-user devices.  Overall, the color scheme should evoke feelings of security, trust, and reliability and include subtle glows and gradients to make the image engaging. The resolution should be high, and the overall style should be minimal yet informative. The image should be suitable for a blog post on TLS and should not include any text.

TLS 2023

By: Michael W. Lucas

STLLUG - October 19, 2023

Create an image that reflects a dynamic and stimulating presentation called 'Lightning Talks'. In the centre, under the dire atmosphere of a dark, stormy sky bathed with diverging beams of light from bolts of lightning, lay three pictorial representations of the discussion topics. On the left edge, an envelope icon is being examined by a magnifying glass, signifying email troubleshooting. On the right, two logos are displayed side by side with miniscule 'VS' symbol in between them, plainspokenly representing a comparison of Fossil and Git, two distributed version control systems. Lastly, towards the lower edge, computer screens and code snippets are disseminated across the field, symbolising an array of other tech topics that can be introduced. The bolts of lightning illuminate specific areas around these symbols, guiding focus and highlighting the drama and excitement these discussions encapsulate. The colors used should be in line with and augment the SLUUG branding.

Lightning Talks

By: Ken Johnson