March 17, 2022 Meetup
St. Louis Linux Users Group
OpenVAS Vulnerability Scanner
Presented By: Tony Zafiropoulos
OpenVAS dates back to 2009 and the project is maintained by a commercial/open-source company. With its focus on the enterprise market and its long history, any risks of enterprises adopting a technology that might become abandoned are greatly reduced.
Can perform various types of authenticated/unauthenticated tests.
Supports a variety of high- and low-level Internet and industrial protocols
Has an internal programming language that can be used for implementing custom vulnerability tests
in last quarter(4Q21):
175383 CVE profiles in scan engine,
79195 vulnerability tests available for the scan system to test the environment.
I will discuss the install process, and configuration. Show my laptop environment (not the prod standalone) but it works, I have used it to scan onsite.
The version that came out in late 2020 was considered “a forklift upgrade” changing the functionality of openVAS.
The Greenbone Scan Cluster performs scans for external targets (public IP addresses, e.g., WWW servers, e-mail servers, etc.) or internal targets via Virtual Private Network (VPN). After execution, the scan results are transferred back to the cloud and made available on the platform in the form of reports.
The name openVAS is being deprecated as it changes to the Greenbone name.
Kali Linux is a Linux distro that is customized to be most useful for cybersecurity work.
Spread the word
@OpenSourceAdvocate • 5h ago
Ready to dive into OpenVAS? Tony Zafiropoulos will guide us through its installation, configuration, and capabilities. Discover how this tool can secure your environment. See you on 2022-03-17! #OpenVAS #Linux #SLUUG
Meeting Artifacts and Media
Meeting Agenda
At 6:00p.m. Central Time the meeting opens. Participants are encouraged to join at this time to if they need to test their microphone, screen sharing, and video camera.
At 6:30p.m. Central Time we attempt a quick welcome, introductions, announcements, current events of interest, and a general CALL FOR HELP (Questions and Answers) segment.
At 6:45p.m. Central Time the presentation begins.